Thursday 24 November 2016

Recursos Literarios: Learning About Literary Devices in Spanish

         Recursos Literarios: Literary Terms. 
Resultado de imagen de recursos literarios
In this blog, we will be discussing literary terms used in Literature, in Spanish. Literary Devices refers to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her messages in a simple manner to the readers. When employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work. Today, we will look at the five (5) most common literary devices used in English: Personification (Personificación), Hyperbole (Hipérbole), Comparison (Símil  o  Comparación), Metaphor (Metáfora) and parallelism (Paralelismo). 

                              Today, we will identify three in details.

(1)Personificación:  Consiste en otorgar cualidades de seres animados a seres inanimados o cualidades humanas a seres animados o inanimados.
Giving human characteristics to inanimate Objects.

(2)Hipérbole: Es una exageración. This is an exaggerated statement. 

(3)Comparación: Consiste en poner en relación mediante el enlace “como” un objeto real y un objeto imagen de cualidades análogas. This is the comparison of Objects, using like or as.

Actividad para hoy: Read the sentences below, and identify the personification, Hyperbole and Comparison, using the Spanish Word for                                                           each.

 (1) Anger bottled up inside him as he watched them dance. ____________
 (2) The tree danced gracefully under the moon lit sky._________________
 (3) The sun was shining among the palms as a ball of fire.______________

(1) Que es un Simil? Da un ejemplo

(2) Como puede describir un hiperbole? Da un ejemplo.

(3) Which literary device does this image reprsent?
Resultado de imagen de personificación ejemplos


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